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Speaker's Page

Pack Passion Week 2023

22-24 May 2023

Anna Horecica Csiki 

Injection Systems Product Manager | SIPA

Presentation topic:

Technologies and actions for sustainable packaging in a view of circular economy 

Injection Systems Product Manager




SIPA is committed to helping its customers produce high-performance, lightweight containers that are as easy to recycle as possible, using the most energy-efficient technologies possible, working with up to 100% recycled PET.

SIPA pays maximum attention to producing items easily and efficiently using recycled materials, with solutions that promote safety, process consistency and longer life of the production plant. We are constantly committed to reducing the impact in every step of the production cycle, from weight reduction to saving energy and raw material. Several solutions have been developed to reduce the consumption of energy during the plastification and injection of preforms, in the phase of heating the preforms in ovens prior to blowing bottles as well in the consumption or re-use of compressed air.

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